by Jeff Husted

Awards Named for One of Arena Soccer’s Founding Fathers 

Tacoma, WA (May 4, 2017) – In April, the Major Arena Soccer League (MASL) announced the Inaugural Earl Foreman Awards. Named after one of the architects of arena soccer, the awards recognize the best performances off-the-field.

“This was one of the most successful seasons of arena soccer in recent history,” said Commissioner Joshua Schaub. “Obviously the players provided us with some memorable games, but some of the great performances happened behind the scenes. I’m excited to recognize these winners for their great seasons.”

Yesterday, the MASL announced the Tacoma Stars have been recognized as the team with the best overall Branding Theme in 2016-2017. This award is presented to the team that developed the most creative and fan-engaging theme for their season.

What a Feelin’ it was for the Tacoma Stars in 2016-2017. The team saw tremendous growth both on the field and off. The ‘What a Feelin’ campaign set the tone for the season as fans across the league saw the Stars play the game with exciting passion and energy each week.

The Stars are already working to improve their game for next season, both on and off the field. Season tickets are available now at TacomaStars.com or by calling 1-844-STARS-TIME.